Exploring the nature and role of emotions through a philosophical perspective.
We are a network of collaborators in philosophy across different universities that engage in collaborative learning, research, and public engagement around emotions and society. We are based at the University of California, Riverside.
Our feelings are our most genuine paths to knowledge.
—Audre Lorde
Through various collaborative projects between faculty, students, and the public we examine the nature of emotions as well as their uses and abuses in social life; we theorize affective concepts and phenomena in order to solve real-world problems; and we see non-western philosophical traditions as important contributors to the above endeavors and therefore apt for engagement.
Meet Our Team
Myisha Cherry
Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of California, Riverside -
Alfred Archer
Asst. Professor of Philosophy at The Tilburg Centre for Logic, Ethics, and Philosophy of Science (TiLPS), Tilburg University -
Alice MacLachlan
Associate Professor of Philosophy at York University (Toronto, Canada)
Alba Curry
Lecturer in the School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science at the University of Leeds -
Ryan Preston-Roedder
Associate Professor of Philosophy at Occidental College -
Olivia Bailey
Asst. Professor of Philosophy at UC Berkeley -
Meena Krishnamurthy
Associate Professor of Philosophy at Queen’s University -
Francisco Gallegos
(Co-Organizer of Fellows Program)
Associate Professor of Philosophy at Wake Forest University
Laura Silva
Asst. Professor at the Department of Political Science, Université Laval, Canada
Caleb Ward
Post-doc in Philosophy at the University of Hamburg -
Rachel Achs
Asst. Professor of Philosophy at UC Santa Cruz
Eric Schwitzgebel
Associate Professor of Philosophy at UC Riverside -
Joel Krueger
Associate Professor in Philosophy at the University of Exeter
Jade S. Sasser
Associate Professor of Gender and Sexuality Studies at University of California, Riverside
Nic Bommarito
Associate Professor of philosophy at Simon Fraser University -
Lisa Tessman
Professor of Philosophy at Binghamton University -
Owen Flanagan
James B. Duke University Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at Duke University -
Jason D'Cruz
Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Albany -
Flip Tanedo
Associate Professor of Physics at UC Riverside